Swiss Cheese and a Coffee Table

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This coffee table certainly makes a bold statement with its unexpected, organic shape.  Made from fiber reinforced plastic, the designer uses molds to stretch the overall shape.  The stretching results in varying one-off shapes making each table unique.  The retail price is about $ 8,000.  For a more cost effective option, why not try covering a metal perimeter frame with a spandex/nylon blend tensioned material?  You could cut out shapes as desired and finish it off with a clear plexi sheet for the top.

Source:  and

Valerie C.

Valerie “Poly Georgette” has a passion for textiles and construction. She enjoys developing solutions utilizing a number of different substrates to dress a space. She has ten years of experience creating custom solutions and tracking down a plethora of amazing textiles, consistently dreaming up new ways to use them.

Poly Georgette (61 Posts)

Valerie "Poly Georgette" has a passion for textiles and construction. She enjoys developing solutions utilizing a number of different substrates to dress a space. She has ten years of experience creating custom solutions and tracking down a plethora of amazing textiles, consistently dreaming up new ways to use them.

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