While not entirely practical, you cannot help but pay attention and be awed by these placemats made by LumiGram from fiber optic fabric. While the subtle light that fiber optics emit is not very impressive when the room is full of light, with the right dim room lighting, the glow would make any dinner table remarkable. The placemats are 13.8” x 19.7” each and run off of battery power.
This is another fun example of how fabric and light can work together to enhance each other.
Click here to connect to LumiGram, but be prepared to pay more than for traditional place mats.

Valerie “Poly Georgette” has a passion for textiles and construction. She enjoys developing solutions utilizing a number of different substrates to dress a space. She has ten years of experience creating custom solutions and tracking down a plethora of amazing textiles, consistently dreaming up new ways to use them.