Well-known sportswear brand, Nike, has unveiled a technologically enhanced trainer entitled Nike HyperAdapt 1.0. The adaptive performance of the shoes enables them to self-lace for optimum performance.
How does it work? Upon stepping into the shoe, the heel hits a sensor, at which point the system automatically tightens. Control buttons on the side of the shoes allow the wearer to manually adjust the fit as well. The soles of the shoes contain batteries that are recharged wirelessly by induction. A three hour charge affords enough power for a couple of weeks.
The potential of adaptive lacing is huge for athletes. The Nike HyperAdapt 1.0 is the first step in this direction and advancements continue to be researched. As stated by Tiffany Beers, Senior Innovator, NIKE, Inc., and the project’s technical lead. “Wouldn’t it be great if a shoe, in the future, could sense when you needed to have it tighter or looser? Could it take you even tighter than you’d normally go if it senses you really need extra snugness in a quick maneuver? That’s where we’re headed. In the future, product will come alive.”

Allison has had a lifelong interest in multiple facets of design. Growing up between a sewing machine and a sketch pad, she went on to fine-tune her skills through studies in fine arts and fashion design. Upon entering the design/build industry, she continuously researches trends in various markets, including retail, hospitality, exhibitory/events, interiors and architecture in order to provide valuable educational and inspirational resources to clients.